– let data = {
– unit: ‘gb’,
– total: 256,
– types: [
– { name: ‘songs’, num: 250, fav: 210, rel: 75, col: ‘#feb95a’ },
– { name: ‘photos’, num: 4524, fav: 4524, rel: 25, col: ‘#f2c8ee’ },
– { name: ‘videos’, num: 320, fav: 190, rel: 85, col: ‘#20bfa9’ },
– { name: ‘documents’, num: 1200, fav: 900, rel: 55, col: ‘#ee786c’ }
– ]
– }
– data.n = data.types.length;
– data.types.forEach((c, i) => { c.cum = .01*data.types.map(c => c.rel).slice(0, i + 1).reduce((a, k) => a + k, 0)/data.n });
body.ini–bg.ini–fg(style=`–mode: 0; –ssum: ${data.total}; –unit: ‘${data.unit}’; –used: ${Math.round(data.types[data.n – 1].cum*data.total)}; –perc: ${Math.round(data.types[data.n – 1].cum*100)}; ${data.types.map((c, i) => `–col${i}: ${c.col}`).join(‘; ‘)}`)
svg(width=’0′ height=’0′)
symbol#f0(viewBox=’0 0 90 80′ fill=’currentcolor’ stroke=’currentcolor’ stroke-linejoin=’round’)
rect#r(x=’20’ y=’15’ width=’50’ height=’30’ rx=’5′)
use(xlink:href=’#r’ style=’color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)’)
path(d=’M20 26v38h50v-26h-25l-10-12z’ stroke-width=’10’)
button(aria-label=’no fucking idea what this button is supposed to do’)
button(aria-haspopup=’true’ aria-expanded=’false’ aria-controls=’pop-opts-main’) general options
input#mode-dark(type=’radio’ name=’mode’ value=’0′ checked)
label(for=’mode-dark’ style=’–idx: 0′) switch to dark mode
input#mode-lght(type=’radio’ name=’mode’ value=’1′)
label(for=’mode-lght’ style=’–idx: 1′) switch to light mode
.slide.ini–bg.dummy fuck knows what you’re supposed to have here
.slide.ini–bg.dummy fuck knows what you’re supposed to have here
– for(let i = 0; i < data.n; i++)
- let c = data.types[i];
.arc(style=`--cum: ${+(c.cum).toFixed(4)}; --rel: ${.01*c.rel/data.n}; --col: ${c.col}`)
- for(let i = 0; i < data.n; i++)
- let c = data.types[i];
article.tile.ftyp.ini--bg(class=`${c.name}` style=`--col: ${c.col}`)
svg.ico: use(xlink:href='#f0')
h3 #{c.name}
button.sec--fg(aria-haspopup='true' aria-expanded='false' aria-controls=`pop-opts-${c.name}`) #{c.name} options
form.popup.sec--bg.dummy(id=`pop-opts-${c.name}`) here you'd have some options to do some stuff
.info__num.sec--fg #{c.num}
.info__rel #{c.rel}
meter.sec--bg(max='100' value=c.rel)